Book a Free Online 45 Min Strategy Call Now

Receive a personalised 30 Day Easy to Implement Leaders Roadmap that blueprints the very next step to take to solve your current leadership challenges.

So That You Can Be in More Control of Your Day.

Here's what you'll get out of our time together:

  • Expert coaching on your current leadership dilemma so that you're crystal clear on the very next step to take in solving the problem.

  • A personalised Easy to Implement 30 Day Leaders Roadmap to start using straight away to address the specific problems you're facing or outcomes you want to achieve.

  • A simple yet very powerful vital few 5 minute daily activity that will help you stay focussed and in control, so that you can finally leave work on time and claim back some work-life harmony.

Email: [email protected]

Phone : 0448 020 918

©️ 2024 Sue-Anne Higgins Coaching